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Agama DSL#


This document presents a view of the most relevant aspects and constructs of the language. The Full reference provides a more detailed insight on the different DSL elements.


Agama flows are written using a small DSL (domain specific language) designed purposedly for writing web flows. Some remarkable features of the DSL include:

  • It helps depicting the structure of web flows in a natural way
  • It is closer to human language than general-purpose programming languages
  • It has a clean, concise, non-distracting syntax
  • It has by design limited computational power forcing computations to occur in a more formal, general-purpose language like Java

Intrinsic properties to highlight:

  • It follows the imperative paradigm mainly, and makes use of a few declarative elements
  • Execution takes place in a traditional sequential manner
  • Flows can be treated as functions (reusable routines with well-defined inputs)
  • It has no special constructs focused on authentication semantics: a flow simply finishes with a positive or negative result (plus optional extra data), however
  • It provides dedicated contructs for common patterns in web flows like:
    • "show a page" and "retrieve the data user provided in that page"
    • "redirect a user to an external site" and later "retrieve the data provided at the callback url"
  • It supports typical language elements like assignments, conditionals, loops, etc.


In the process of flow writing, the DSL should be mainly used to structure a flow and collect user data while delegating more intensive tasks like querying databases, invoking web services, and so on, to Java.

Language compiler#

Agama is not a compiled language. Code is transpiled to an intermediate representation which is then interpreted at runtime. Developers don't need to issue special commands for transpilation to occur. This is automatically executed in the background by the engine some seconds after a flow has been added or modified.

The process of checking and fixing potential syntax errors is described here.

Syntactic features#

  • Agama is case sensitive, e.g. X and x are two different things
  • With a few exceptions, instructions always have to be written in a single line
  • There are no parenthesis or semicolons
  • Nesting of blocks takes place by using indented blocks
  • Single line comments are supported. Use // to start a comment anywhere in a given line

Data types, literals and variables#

Agama is a dynamically typed language. Data types are not explicit in code and variables are not declared, just used. Type checks occur at runtime.

Values fit into any of: string, boolean, number, list or map. Also, the "special" value null can be used to represent the absence of a value. The table below presents examples of literals:

Type Valid literals Invalid literals
string "Agama"; ""; "Hello\nGluu" (line feed usage) """
boolean true; false True; yes; FALSE
number 0.1; -0.1; 1; 1000; 255 .1; -.1; +1; 1e+03; 0xFF
list []; [1, 2, 3]; [1, [2, 3]]; ["Agama", false] [1..3]; [1..]
map {}; { Color: "blue" }, { a: { a_b: ["foo"] } } { _a: 2 }; { 2: 2 };

See the full reference to learn more about literals.

A variable is global in the flow where it is being used. Examples of valid variable names are: x, mom, Yes, A_ha, B52. The following are invalid: 4, "red", _oh, A-ha.

Variables can be assigned a value several times in the same flow. Examples of valid assignments: x = 0, mom = "love", Yes = true, A_ha = [ 2.718, 3.141 ], B52 = { rock: "lobster" }

Depending on the data type of a variable, its underlying value(s) can be accessed or modified in a variety of ways. As shown in the table bellow Agama feels pretty natural:

Sample assignment Access/Mutation example Result
x = "Hi" x[0] "H"
x = "Hi" x.length 2
x = "Hi" x[1] = "o" Strings are immutable
x = [1, 2, 3] x[1] 2
x = [1, 2, 3] x[3] null
x = [1, 2, 3] x[0] = "zero" ["zero", 2, 3]
x = [1, 2, 3] x.length = 5 ["zero", 2, 3, null, null]
x = { a: true } x.a true
x = { a: true } x.b null
x = { a: true } x.c = false { a: true, c: false }

A variable whose value is the product of a Java call can be accessed and manipulated as described here.

See the full reference to learn more about accessing and mutating data in variables.

Flow structure#

A flow consists of a header and one or more statements following. The header starts with the Flow keyword followed by the qualified name of the flow, e.g. Flow com.acme.FoodSurvey.

Next, in an indented block several aspects can be provided (in this specific order):

  • The base directory to use for this flow's assets
  • Flow timeout
  • A variable to hold flow configurations
  • Variables to receive flow inputs

Except for the base directory, all of these are optional.

The following is an example of a flow header, where the folder mydir should hold the assets of the flow (more info on assets here). The flow may receive three parameters: salutation, askGender, and promptRealName from their callers (when used as subflow) or from the authentication request when the flow is launched directly from a web browser.

Flow com.acme.FoodSurvey
    Basepath "mydir"
    Inputs salutation askGender promptRealName

The statements that make up the flow (body) come after the header and start at column 1, ie. aligned with the Flow keyword:

Flow com.acme.FoodSurvey
    Basepath "mydir"
    Inputs salutation askGender promptRealName

x = "Hi"
y = false

See the full reference to learn more about flow structure.


With the Log instruction data can be sent to the flows log. Check the logging page for more details. Some illustrative examples follow:

Code Message appended Notes
Log "Hi there" Hi there
Log "Hello" "world" 0 false Hello world 0 false Log can be passed a variable number of parameters
Log [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] 1, 2, 3, ...more Lists and maps are not traversed wholly
Log "Hell%% 0 %" "o" " world" false Hello world 0 false Placeholders usage
Log "@warn Today is Friday %th" 13 Today is Friday 13th Message logged as warning

By default messages are logged at the INFO level. This can be customized as in the last row.

Conditionals and branching#

When and Otherwise allow to write conditionals. With and, or, is and is not, logical (boolean) expressions can be built. Examples:

car = { brand: "Ford", color: null, model: 1963 }
When car.color is null
    car.color = "pink"

Nested conditionals:

When car.color is "pink"
    When car.brand is "Ford"
        Log "Weird-looking car"

Use of Otherwise:

When car.color is not null
    Log "you have a regular painted car"


  • Equality is designed to work with null, numbers, strings, and boolean values only. More exactly, a number should only be compared to a number, a string to a string, etc., otherwise the equality test evaluates to false.
  • Comparisons are limited to equality (is) or inequality (is not). For other forms of comparison you can resort to Java.

Agama also has Match ... to, a construct similar to C/Java switch.

See the full reference to learn more about conditionals and branching.

Flow finish#

Finish is used to terminate a flow's execution. In general, a flow can finish successfully or failed. Examples:

it = { success: true, data: { userId: "as9233Qz", ... }}
Finish it
Flow finished successfully. Some relevant data attached
it = { success: false,
    error: "User entered a wrong password 3 times" }
Finish it
Flow failed. Error description attached
Finish "as9233Qz"
Shorthand for { success: true, data: { userId: "as9233Qz" } }

See the full reference to learn more about flows termination.

Web interaction#


The RFAC (Redirect and Fetch at callback) instruction abstracts the process of redirecting the user's browser to an external site and collect the data presented later at a designated callback URL.


Agama engine's callback URL is https://<your-server>/jans-auth/fl/callback.


result = RFAC ""

This redirects to the given URL. Once the user browser is taken to the callback by the external site (e.g., the data included in the query string or payload is stored in result (a map) for further processing. See the full reference to learn more.


The RRF (Render-Reply-Fetch) instruction expresses the concept of "show a page and grab user data after interaction". It takes the path to a template and injects a value into it. The produced (Rendered) markup is sent (Replied) to the browser and finally, the result of the interaction of the user with the page can be retrieved (Fetched).

RRF "survey.ftl"
Renders the template survey.ftl (located in this flow's base path) and resulting markup is replied to user's browser.
Data submitted by the user is ignored
obj = { salutation: "Hey!", ... }
result = RRF "survey.ftl" obj
Renders the template survey.ftl by injecting the data passed in obj and the resulting markup is replied to user's browser.
Data submitted by the user is stored in variable result: a map whose keys are named according to the form fields present in survey.ftl


  • The template location must be specified with a string literal only (not variables)
  • RRF has more capabilities. See the full reference to learn more.



Repeat was designed with the concept of attempts/retries in mind: a set of statements are executed, a condition can optionally be supplied in order to abort the loop early, and (optionally too) a block of statements can be executed before the next iteration is started if the condition evaluated to false. Example:

x = ... // an integer value
month = "..."
obj = { error: null }
y = Repeat x times max
    data = RRF "guess_birthday_month.ftl" obj
    Quit When data.guess is month
    obj.error = "Wrong! try again"

This loop runs x iterations at most. At every iteration the template guess_birthday_month.ftl is RRF'ed. If the value provided at the browser matches that of month variable the loop is aborted earlier, otherwise an error message is set - and template may potentially use it. After the loop finishes, variable y will contain the total number of iterations made to completion. This excludes partial iterations aborted by Quit.

Notes: - Quit and the statements following are optional - The variable assignment before the Repeat keyword is optional - See the full reference to learn more about Repeat

Iterate over#

Iterate over is used to traverse the items of a string, list, or the keys of a map. At every iteration, a variable is set with the current item or key name. As with Repeat, a loop may be aborted earlier, an optional block of statements can be specified after Quit, and the total number of iterations can be stored in a variable. Example:

seasons = [ "spring", "winter", "fall", "summer" ]
sports = [ "soccer," "golf", "tenis" ]
Iterate over seasons using sn
    y = Iterate over sports using sport
        Log "Shall we play % in % ?" sport sn
        Quit When sn is "winter"
        Log "yes!"
    Log "We played % sports in %" y sn

The above features loop nesting. The outer loop iterates over seasons list and the inner one over sports. The variables sn and sport hold the current visited element. The inner loop is aborted upon a given condition. The total number of complete iterations is recorded in y every time the inner loop finishes.

See the full reference to learn more about Iterate over.


A flow can Trigger another flow (a.k.a subflow) and grab its response when Finished. This feature materializes flow composition and re-use in Agama. Example:

outcome = Trigger null false 
Log "subflow returned with success?" outcome.success

The above starts the flow identified by passing the given parameters (assuming it receives two inputs). When done, outcome will reference the map that was employed to Finish the subflow, in other words, its response.

See the full reference to learn more about Trigger.

Java interaction#

Agama interfaces seemlessly with Java or Groovy by means of the Call instruction.

Recall the DSL is designed to force developers use Java when the task at hand cannot be implemented by simple data manipulation or comparison of values. This way a flow written in Agama DSL serves fundamentally as a depiction of the flow itself, hiding most of the internal details and low-level computations.

See the full reference to learn more about Call.